[Edu-sig] Knuth's books.

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Fri Nov 11 05:22:59 CET 2005

> I have not approached TAOCP as of yet, so cannot say to what extent I will
> be able to adjust to the assembler presentation.  Though if I can, I am
> sure
> it will be very good medicine.
> Art

Yes, I take Knuth as very sincere when he suggests buying other people's
books (*and* his), i.e. just because *he* doesn't have the time (TAoCP is a
huge commitment) doesn't mean others shouldn't convert the algorithms he
covers, in his chosen VHLL (English), into some fashionable/favorite other
(e.g. Lisp, Python or J).  Assembly remains close to the metal and, through
MMIX, TAoCP speaks to a target audience of chip designers and electronics
engineers, not just to those who groove on completely abstracted process.[1]


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MMIX

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