[Edu-sig] Freedom: some Smalltalk history and Python implications
kirby urner
kirby.urner at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 17:31:59 CEST 2006
> For media-related stuff, *nothing* beats Squeak. It is so far ahead of
> the others it's not even funny. Bitmap graphics, vector graphics, 3d
> (software and accelerated), wave sound, fm sound, midi, video, you name
> it. And those things that aren't in the release are at SqueakMap
> (http://map.squeak.org/packagesbyname).
> Cheers,
> - Andreas
OK, so this is good news, at kids 8-18 going through Logo | Smalltalk
| Python will already have some key concepts enabled, e.g. bitmapped
versus vector graphics.
But what's the API to 3d vector graphics like?
In numeracy1.html you see I go on to define a Vector class using
operator overloading. I want to go Vector((1,1,1)) + Vector((0,1,-1))
and get back the right Vector object.
That's still conceptually where I'm at: use sequences to make a
lexical <--> graphical connection, with no mention of XYZ coordinating
apparatus. Later, talk about XYZ and start developing within a simple
Pre VPython, my vectors would feed a Writer class for generating scene
description language for POV-Ray or whatever. These days, I'm more
likely to just go with VPython. In all cases, I focus on E, V and F
as primitives, because we're very into V + F = E + 2 in the Fuller
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