[Edu-sig] PySqueak: more on the cultural divide among paradigms

Andrew Harrington aharrin at luc.edu
Sun May 7 05:21:01 CEST 2006

I just looked at Panda3D.  The export restrictions in the license are 

Another obvious drawback in the intro is the reference only to Windows 
and Linux, not Apple.
I do not know if that might change with Apple moving to Intel.

Sigh, for a Linux or Windows lab in the US, it looks nice, but for our 
general community projects, platform and country independence are 


kirby urner wrote:

>On 5/6/06, John Zelle <john.zelle at wartburg.edu> wrote:
>>I think #4 is where I part company with Kirby. I'm not looking for some
>>machine-level 3D libraries that are scripted via Python (or another
>>high-level language, ala Alice). I want the snake all the way down, and I
>>want the underlying graphics engine to be installed everywhere Python lives
>>with OpenGL, so that I can count on it.
>I should be quiet and study Panda3D for awhile.
>That may be what I try teaching through Saturday Academy in the Fall.
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  Andrew N. Harrington
  Computer Science Department      Undergraduate Program Director
  Loyola University Chicago        http://www.cs.luc.edu/~anh
  512B Lewis Towers (office)       Office Phone: 312-915-7982
  Snail mail to Lewis Towers 416   Dept. Fax:    312-915-7998
  820 North Michigan Avenue        aharrin at luc.edu
  Chicago, Illinois 60611          

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