[Edu-sig] Setting a variable's value

Dethe Elza delza at livingcode.org
Thu May 11 20:06:26 CEST 2006

On 5/11/06, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe it's plain old, non-executing (dead) algebra that should change.
> Phase in Python notation much earlier and discuss the old pre-Python
> use of the assignment operator as "from a different namespace"
> (perhaps deprecated).
> Just because a bunch of oldies used typography the way they did,
> doesn't mean we have to warp everything we do in future to be backward
> compatible.
> I look at self-executing math notations as defining a cutting edge,
> not as poor imitators of some obsolote text book way of doing things.
> In fact, why do we teach "algebra" at all in the old fashioned sense?
> In my view, tackling this set of topics without a computer language is
> indefensible except in cases where some invading/conquering power has
> an agenda of keeping the kids dumb (in which case, the *real* schools
> have to go underground, as is happening in the USA).
> Kirby

This is beautifully put, so much so that I had to forward it to my
wife (who's not a pythonista, but in Education).  So much to think
about here in such a short email. I know this is basically the gist of
what you've been talking about for some time, Kirby, but this is such
a succinct way of putting it that I'm in awe, and inspired.

My kids haven't gotten to algebra in school yet, but were introduced
to it in the "Reader Rabbit" edutainment software from a very young
age.  Now I'm thinking how to move that style of teaching into a more
interactive, self-directed tool incorporating python.



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