[Edu-sig] Setting a variable's value
Kevin Driscoll
driscollkevin at gmail.com
Thu May 11 19:49:17 CEST 2006
How timely! I just finished teaching this exact nuance to my 9th
graders an hour ago! We began by assigning strings, floats, and
integers to a set of variables to demonstrate how variables different
from Algebra to Python.
When it came to = vs. ==, it was easy to reference the earlier work
and say, "Here's another place where Python and your Algebra notation
I heard no complaints and only saw one or two errors in students' code.
I have to admit that := seems more confusing as it looks a lot like
comparison operators >=, <=, and !=. (Plus, it chills the Pascal in
my bone marrow!)
On 5/11/06, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't believe in adding special notation specifically designed for
> > beginner's sake - even though I am dedicated in making Python as easy
> > to learn as possible.
> >
> > André
> >
> Right.
> Also, math notations which went to the trouble to be self-executing on
> a machine (like APL), in some sense deserve our respect for their
> precision and consistency.
> Maybe it's plain old, non-executing (dead) algebra that should change.
> Phase in Python notation much earlier and discuss the old pre-Python
> use of the assignment operator as "from a different namespace"
> (perhaps deprecated).
> Just because a bunch of oldies used typography the way they did,
> doesn't mean we have to warp everything we do in future to be backward
> compatible.
> I look at self-executing math notations as defining a cutting edge,
> not as poor imitators of some obsolote text book way of doing things.
> In fact, why do we teach "algebra" at all in the old fashioned sense?
> In my view, tackling this set of topics without a computer language is
> indefensible except in cases where some invading/conquering power has
> an agenda of keeping the kids dumb (in which case, the *real* schools
> have to go underground, as is happening in the USA).
> Kirby
> > > -Winston
> > >
> > >
> > >
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