[Edu-sig] graphics on mac

Felicia Gershberg feliciagershberg at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 17:22:26 CET 2008

Hi -
I am teaching Python programming to a small group of 5th graders on Macs with OS-X.  We have Python 2.3.5.  I'd like to be able to do simple graphics with them, but I haven't been able to find any reference for graphics calls (Carbon?) or even how to get a graphics window - at least, not anything that works.  Can anyone provide any guidance?

Note that I probably can't download anything that is not already installed on the Macs, because these are in the school computer lab, and I am a parent volunteer with no admin privileges.
Felicia B. Gershberg, M.A.T., Ph.D., m.o.m.
PACT School

South Bay Preparatory Charter School


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