[Edu-sig] Quarter III, Week 3: SmartNotes, ScreenCasts and Code, oh my!

A. Jorge Garcia calcpage at aol.com
Mon Feb 18 23:42:30 CET 2013

Take a look at my CSH link in the blog listed below. CSH is my Computer 
Science Honors (SAGE/python) class which is a prerequisite for AP 
Computer Science (java). In CSH we usually run SAGE, but we used pure 
python from the command line for the first time ever this week!


It's nothing too advanced. We're doing Binary Arithmetic, Boolean 
Logic, propositions, predicates and conditional statements right now. 
We wrote RockPaperScissors in SAGE automated with random choices for 
each player. We could not see a way to make it interactive in SAGE so 
the user could input choices and play against the computer, so we went 
with the CLI. In fact, I have a link on the CSH blog from programr.com 
so you can actually run the program yourself within the blog!

You may also find my CIS(theta) link interesting. CIS is my Computing 
Independent Study class where we are using mpi4py on a Linux Cluster!

A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math, Physics and CS

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