[Edu-sig] regarding 'iterables versus iterators' (example outbox, for peer review)

Kirby Urner kurner at oreillyschool.com
Fri Oct 11 01:46:49 CEST 2013

What is the difference between an iterator and an iterable?


I will try to be concise:  an iterator has a __next__ method for "inch
worming" forward
(from yield to yield internally, if defined by a generator function, but
only some iterators are).

Iterables, if they have an __iter__ method, should give rise to an iterator
by that method.
However, even something so dumb as a class with just __getitem__ can be
treated as an
iterable. Let's see:

class Dumb:
    """uber primitive"""
    def __init__(self, it):
        self.thelist = it
    def __getitem__(self, n):
        return self.thelist[n]

obj = Dumb(list("mary had a little lamb"))
for d in obj:  # iterables will work here
    print(d, end="")

# can we use it with iter() ?
theiter = iter(obj)
if "__next__" in dir(theiter):
    print("wow, we have a grown up iterator!")

for i in range(4):


mary had a little lamb
wow, we have a grown up iterator!


Kirby Urner
Senior Python Mentor
Python Track / OST
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