[Email-SIG] FeedParser: Incremental Payload Reporting
Clark C. Evans
cce at clarkevans.com
Sat Jan 15 21:43:10 CET 2005
Hello. First, I want to sing praises to Baxter, Wouters, and
Warsaw; this new FeedParser is just fantastic -- the whole design.
I'm going to steal the entire design for the next generation YAML
parser I'm putting together. Incremental processing, hierarchical
iterators... you fellas rock.
I've got one suggestion. In my application domain (medical imaging)
the payloads are _huge_ and I'd like to incrementally add them to
the database as they arrive. Therefore, lines 416-422 causes me a
bit of concern. The parser has made a Herculean effort to be incremental,
and then blows it in the last mile -- couldn't the Message class be
extended to have an "write_payload()" method instead?
I'm also confused at push() in lines 96 to 110. How does this work
with a binary payload?
Clark C. Evans Prometheus Research, LLC.
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