[Email-SIG] question on syntax of 'group' in address-list

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue May 17 05:44:26 CEST 2011

R. David Murray writes:
 > I've gone through the RFCs and done some additional googling,
 > and haven't been able to confirm the answer to this question: what
 > exactly is the syntax when a group is included in an address-list? (See
 > http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.4).  The question is, if
 > another address follows the group, are they separated from each other by
 > ';' or by ';,'?  The ABNF seems to call for the latter, but I can't find
 > any example showing it.  I'm sure that I should accept both on input,

Why?  I mean, YAGNI.

 > but I'd like to generate the correct form.  Does anyone have confirmation
 > or contradiction for my interpretation?

>From RFC 822.  The Cc field contains two groups, separated by ",",
with each group terminated by ";".

A.3.3. About as complex as you're going to get

     Date     :  27 Aug 76 0932 PDT
     From     :  Ken Davis <KDavis at This-Host.This-net>
     Subject  :  Re: The Syntax in the RFC
     Sender   :  KSecy at Other-Host
     Reply-To :  Sam.Irving at Reg.Organization
     To       :  George Jones <Group at Some-Reg.An-Org>,
                 Al.Neuman at MAD.Publisher
     cc       :  Important folk:
                   Tom Softwood <Balsa at Tree.Root>,
                   "Sam Irving"@Other-Host;,
                 Standard Distribution:
                   /main/davis/people/standard at Other-Host,
     Comment  :  Sam is away on business. He asked me to handle
                 his mail for him.  He'll be able to provide  a
                 more  accurate  explanation  when  he  returns
                 next week.
     In-Reply-To: <some.string at DBM.Group>, George's message
     X-Special-action:  This is a sample of user-defined field-
                 names.  There could also be a field-name
                 "Special-action", but its name might later be
     Message-ID: <4231.629.XYzi-What at Other-Host>

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