[EuroPython] Zope track: Educational Modelling Language

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 23:24:06 +0200

Hi Georg,

Thanks for your introduction.
It looks somebody added you already to the ZopeTrack wiki, great! Please if
possible send a
sort of abstract (after you figured it out) of the talk to the list. Or to
me, paul and martijn.
Please also provide us how much time your presentation wil take.

Thanks for willing to give a talk about this interesting subject. I'm
looking forward to it, since I'm thinking I'll need to implement such a
thing in the 'far' future as well for our department.

Best Regards,
Steema Software SL

----- Original Message -----
From: "Georg Pleger" <Georg.Pleger@uibk.ac.at>
To: "Paul Everitt" <paul@zope.com>
Cc: <europython@python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 11:03 PM
Subject: [EuroPython] Zope track: Educational Modelling Language

Hello Paul!
Hello EuroPython!

Itīs my first time on your list, so here is a short self introduction:
(I know that this is not the place for dicussion on this stuff.)

Iīm working for the University of Innsbruck (Department of Education), the
Tiroler Bildungsservice (the network of all Tyrolean educational
and the Austrian educational portal run by our Ministry of Education.
My focus is the production and reuse of standardized (e)learning materials.

Major concepts for the XML-based production of didactical sophisticated
learning materials have been formulated in the Educational Modelling
(EML http://eml.ou.nl ), developed at the Open University of the
These concepts will be merged with other developtments in the area of
standardization of learning materials like SCORM, LOM and IMS

Now itīs time to implement these standards in tools that are available for
educational institutions and contexts from primary education up to
and adult education. So an opensource approach is the obvious way to go.

At the University of Helsinki Zope was used for the learning environment FLE
(Future Learning Environment, http://fle3.uiah.fi ). FLE uses parts of the
Educational Modelling Language as an export format. Now there are first
with partners in the Netherlands to use Zope as the framework for an
environment for EML.

I would like to contribute with my educational standardization background to
better use the great potential of Zope in the area of (e)learning.
I donīt want to promise too much, so please give me three more weeks to
out what kind of prototype we will be able to present in Charleroi
(proposal for my presentation: Zope as an authoring environment for EML).

Iīm new to your community and aware that there have been some activities in
this field like Zope-Edu and others. But so far I donīt know enough about
these activities and what are the actual plans there.

Comments, pointers to contacts etc welcome!

Thanks for your great job so far!
Looking forward to meet you in Charleroi

Georg Pleger
University of Innsbruck, Austria
OpenSource AG
tel: +43 512 933 682
mobile: +43 699 11 087 555

Zitat von Paul Everitt <paul@zope.com>:

> Hello Georg, if you have subscribed by now.  I read the page and it
> looks like a very interesting topic that we should consider for the Zope
> track, or another track if you'd prefer.
> Can you send me an email describing the outline of your presentation?
> --Paul
> Denis Frčre wrote:
> > Hi, Zope track champions (and others),
> >
> > Last thirsday, we got a visit of Georg Pleger who will present himself
> > better than I could do it.
> >
> > He's working on a Zope project related to education together with the
> > Open University of the Netherlands, the UIAH Media Lab at the
> > University of Art and Design in Helsinki and the Centre for Research in
> > Networked Learning and Knowledge Building at the University of Helsinki.
> >
> > For some info on EML, have a look at
> > http://eml.ou.nl/introduction/explanation.htm
> >
> > It seems quite interresting so I asked him to join the mailing list and
> > to propose himself for a talk.
> >
> > Now that he's been introduced, I'm sure Georg will answer to all your
> > questions.
> >
> > Denis
> >

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