[EuroPython] Python tracks/topics

Denis spirou@colnet.carolo.net
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 02:44:14 +0100

Le Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 12:29:35AM +0100, Martijn Faassen pianota:
> That's a good split. There's Python applications (within science, the web,
> etc, which can be different tracks), and there's Python's political/cultural
> aspects (python in an organization, how to use Python's strengths, what
> to watch out for, how to get Python accepted, etc).
> Then there's also 'cool Python technologies', which could be a presentation
> on the ZODB, on the Psyco specializing compiler, Jython, microthreads and
> so on.

Does some of you know a Visual Python team mate ?
It's very visual :-) and hence appealing...

Good we get "warm" !

Now, keep in mind the facts :

1. Rooms : 
Would I cold your enthousiasm if I send you to the URL :
and that one :
for you having a good idea of the available rooms ?
(The multi-purpose room would be left for the meals)

2. Time :
As I told you in a previous mail, we should leave the building before
13h00 on the Friday.
That's why I thought we could have such a grid :
             |    AM    |  midday  |    PM   | evening  |
Wednesday 26 | Conf.    | lunch in | Conf.   | social   |
             |          | the CEME |         | activity |
Thursday 27  | Conf.    | lunch in | Conf.   | social   |
             |          | the CEME |         | activity |
Friday 28    | Conf.    | lunch  somewhere else followed|
             |          | by free (openair?) discussions|

3. Attendence :
How many people do we expect to have in each category ?

OK, now we have a grid, let's fill the cells.


P3B    : Club Python(-Zope) Belge --------- http://www.p3b.org
OS3B   : Club Open-Software(-Linux) Carolo  http://www.os3b.org 
Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com