[EuroPython] I asked Jacob Hallén how long it would take to make a non profit society in Sweden.
Laura Creighton
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 14:08:18 +0100
He has done this many times. He said: 1 day. I asked him to write it up.
This is his response: 'collecting 5 people' need not be done in person.
An Irc channel would work, or a conference telephone call. There are
roughly 10 Euros in a Swedish Krona.
(Message inbox:1171)
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:23:51 +0100
To: Laura Creighton <lac@strakt.com>
From: Jacob Hall n <jacob@strakt.com>
Subject: How to make a non-profit society in Sweden
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Subject: How to make a non-profit society in Sweden
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1. Collect 5 people.
2. Create some by-laws. They have to contain purpose, grounds for
membership and administrative details, like how many members the board
should have and how a general meeting is called.
3. Hold a meeting to officially form the society. In the meeting you
select a board. You also set up rules for who gets to officially sign
papers for the society (including how to access money in the bank). The
last item may even be in the by-laws.
4. Go to the bank or the post office with your papers and ask to open an
account. A bank account you can get for free. If you want to connect it
to the bank giro or to use it over the Internet, there is a yearly
charge of a couple of hundred kronor. A postal giro account costs
something like 400 kronor per year.
If you want to set up organisations that have more lee-way in what they
can do financially, it takes a bit more time and work. You can make
for-profit societies (ekonomisk förening) and trusts (stiftelser). I
have made a trust once, but not a for-profit society.