[EuroPython] Budget Questions / Europython Conf Organisation
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:47:47 +0100
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I'm Dutch, not Belgian, but
BV = Besloten Venootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid
translates as
SPRL = Societe Privee a Responsabilite Limitee
in French.
I suppose this would be roughly equivalent to GmbH or Ltd
The Dutch 'other' possibilty would be
NV = Naamloze Vennootschap equals
SA = Societe Anonyme
AG = AktienGesellschaft
Don't know about Belgium though
Patrick Vrijlandt
---------- Tekst van het origineel ----------
Van: "Andrew Smart" <Andrew.Smart@smart-knowhow.de>, op 19-02-2002 12:36:
To: ISMTP@azninfo22@Servers["Europython" <europython@python.org>]
Hi folks,
hmm... I have no knowledge about Belgium business/organisational structures
and how to found them.
I searched a bit and found 2 "commercial" forms:
SPRL = Societe Privee a Responsabilite Limitee
BV = Besloten Venootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid
The first one sounds a bit like a "GmbH" (Ltd.) in Germany/London.
The second i can't translate, but I would guess it's the bigger one (like
"AG" in Germany).
You need at least one Person as Founder, can be forein, must have a
professional card.
Founding capital: at least 750.000 bfrs (around 18.000 Euro), costs: 30.000
bfrs (750 Euro)
One have to "pay" before founding at least 20% of the capital (3600 Euro).
Time to found: at least 8 weeks
I'm seeking further, but anyone from Belgium with know-how would be very
I'm seeking organisational structures for non-profit organisations...
I've also found references for european-wide company structures (called EWIV
in German), but that's quite high-level stuff so I cannot say if it would
suit us...
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