[EuroPython] EuroPython Legal Structure
Nicolas Pettiaux
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 20:28:32 +0100
Le Jeudi 21 F=E9vrier 2002 20:30, Philippe Jadin a =E9crit :
> imvho we should use the existing structure as Denis proposed a few mail=
> ago, and use P3B existing accounts and statutes. At least if we want
> something "hic et nunc".
I support this view. There is an existing Structure, that is not for prof=
and which objectives are very similar to the one of the would be European=
We could start with it, even do "the European Python and Zope conference,=
organized by P3B" ("by" could mean "using P3B as a legal tool")
That give us some time to set up something else if we feel the need and f=
the resource to set it up, that could be ready by end June.
This is also simple as far as I understand it.
My 2 cents,
> philippe
> Denis wrote:
> ><snip>
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Nicolas Pettiaux
Avenue du P=E9rou 29
B-1000 Brussels