[EuroPython] EuroPython Legal Structure
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 02:05:20 +0100
Le Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 08:28:32PM +0100, Nicolas Pettiaux pianota:
> There is an existing Structure, that is not for profit and which
> objectives are very similar to the one of the would be European=20
> association.=20
A few words about it : it a brand new ASBL with a brand new bank
account (+ 00.00 euros on it). It was created a few months ago just to
organize such events at a Belgium level, or for any Python project done
"for fame" (as opposed to "for money").
The members are relatives and me (because it was easier to create it).
I've never called out to get other members : we've have not yet decided
what could be the member fee even.
We've never earn the least first eurocent with it. At the opposite, we
payed for the official registration and Aragne host it for free.
(i.e. I pay for the domain name and all other charges)
I already told you : you may see every bank account report, I've nothing
to hide.=20
The bylaws (as it seems to be called in English) have been done by
another local specialized non-profit organization called MPA (Maison
pour les Associations). I've them in a bad word document. We should
publish them on our website, yes, but we have been too lazy to clean
the .doc and put it online.
We've been having a website for about 2 years. The one you may discover
at http://www.p3b.org is a new version we've just put online with the
announcement of the EuroPython meeting. I agree it's not very
exhaustive : ask Chronos for us having 48 hours a day and you'll see a
difference. We will have a "ask-to-be-member" form and so on.=20
> We could start with it, even do "the European Python and Zope conferenc=
> organized by P3B" ("by" could mean "using P3B as a legal tool")
No need to insist. Just use it to save us some time now, and let's go
for another structure when more urgent is done.
Of course, when I ask for local support I speak in the name of "P3B and
the whole EuroPython Team", but we don't need to speak about P3B where
it's not relevant : just Use "EuroPython Team", short form is nice.
After the event, if the account has a positive balance, you'll decide
what we should do with the extra : give it to a new EuroPython structure
to have some funds to start working on EuroPython 2003 (in any other
country), or spend it in any way you want for Python glory.
If the account has a negative balance (it shouldn't happen if we act as
"bons p=E8res de famille") I hope you would help me to reach the zero
level too.
> That give us some time to set up something else if we feel the need
> and find the resource to set it up, that could be ready by end June.
Yes, and we can call Daniel Quintart to help us to find the right
solution. I cc him this mail too.
(I told you about him in my previous message).
P3B : Club Python(-Zope) Belge --------- http://www.p3b.org
OS3B : Club Open-Software(-Linux) Carolo http://www.os3b.org=20
Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com