[EuroPython] Revised brochures available

Nicolas Chauvat Nicolas.Chauvat@logilab.fr
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 12:56:32 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Andy Robinson wrote:

>   http://www.reportlab.com/demos/epc/brochure_minimal.pdf  (14pp, 1.6Mb)

I just discovered the "EuroPython Organization Team" on Page 4, which is
*very* different from what it was yesterday and want this list to know
that I'm not happy about it.

Reading this page it appears that the conference was organized by three
people only, with some other people helping from time to time.

I think this is just being unfair to loads of people that participated.
Paul Everitt's name is barely cited whereas he helped from the beginning,
Stefane Fermigier disappeared completely whereas he contacted many people
and sent press releases, Martijn got only cited as "initial idea" whereas
he spent a lot of time working on this, ec. I don't even recall the names
of all the people that contributed.

Yes, the three people from the "Executive Committee" did a lot of work,
probably more than the other people did and without them, the conference
would not have happened.

BUT, without the other people, nothing would have happened either, hence I
see no reason for having such a huge difference in the credits page. And I
don't see any reason to have one's bio in the credits page anyway.

I can't speak for the others, but I know that *I* spent around 40 full
days since february working on europython (tracks, website, organizing
wiki, doing press release, participating to irc sessions, etc.). When the
executive committee was formed, I thought "good, some decisions about
budget and how to arrange rooms, etc, were taking to long, this will ease
things and more people discussing this issues wouldn't make it better

If the purpose of that "committee" was to get one's name as "The
conference organizer", that's just sad. I want to believe that I am
mistaken and that will be quickly solved by reverting to some humbler
credits page, if I am not, I'll have learned more about the people I
worked with for the past four months.

Python and the Python businesses are so small that I always thought that
it was obvious from the very beginning that the whole purpose of the
conference was to make the pie bigger for everyone to get a bigger slice
(or as Paul says "10x is the goal"), not to let some of us increase their
own visibility helped by the work of the others.

Nicolas Chauvat

http://www.logilab.com - "Mais oł est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)