[EuroPython] Brochure

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 01:19:43 +0200

> 1) I think because of what happened today, nobody earns credit, so it
> is the best to just drop the information from that. Everybody will
> know what he did him/herself and the others will know too.

clarification: of course people do still earn the credit, I worded it
wrongly, not sure how to word it. I just mean, lets drop the whole
credit case thing from the brochure. It is not needed

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> So, Andy (or anybody from Reportlab) can you please just remove the
> following page :
> Page 4 : The EuroPython Organization Team
> And change:
> Page 46 By removing the Credits section.
> After you've done this, let me know, so that I make a news item on the
> list to let people know the brochure is downloadable.
> Thanks Andy
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
