[EuroPython] Talks & Papers
Martijn Faassen
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 00:55:41 +0100
M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> The list has gone a bit too quiet on these issues lately. Looking
> at the Wiki, not even the track champions nor the proposal guidelines
> are mentioned for most tracks.
> This will definitely have to change ! So please everyone, speak
> up and volunteer to run a track.
> For the business track, we'll need one room for approx.
> 50-100 persons equipped with a beamer.
It's probably in part my fault that the list is too quiet; I've been
particularly busy lately, and still will be until at least next week.
A plan:
* finish up the Call for Participation document
(don't request papers, just request people to participate)
* by the way, someone needs to update and drive this document:
Though we may want to combine it with the former. See following items.
* finish up the form to apply for a talk. This is not a technology issue;
this is a 'what should be in the form' issue'. People please look at this
form and suggest some improvements -- especially the suggested lengths
of talks. Anyway, I should just finish it. :)
(to be renamed call for participation)
* we already have Tom's form to register interest.
We only need to publicize this. I proposed a combined call for
participation (attendees and people who'll give talks alike):
The call for participation document needs a starting section that
summarizes the conference. Point at Tom's form. Then continue on
for those interested in talking, and point to the participation
* peope managing the various tracks will also go and hunt for folks who
already offered to talk so they can fill in the form. If necessary
fill in the form for them. :) If there are people who would be
able to give very interesting talks, the track people will have to
contact them.
* within a short time we hope to have a ballpark number of talks and
size of tracks.
* within a short time we'll have a ballpark number of people who want
to just visit the conference.
* that's what the Charleroi people need.
What can be done right now is for people to go in and edit the documents
to conform to the above plan. We also need to pick some new dates for
the various things, as we're overdue on the dates listed in the wiki
now. So if you're interested in helping, go ahead and do it. :)
Note that I skipped over any translation issues; if people want to
translate later on of course we should do so, but right now it's
important to have an english version and to get it out to the door.