[EuroPython] Talks & Papers

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:18:39 -0800 (PST)

--- Martijn Faassen <faassen@vet.uu.nl> wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > The list has gone a bit too quiet on these issues lately. Looking
> > at the Wiki, not even the track champions nor the proposal guidelines
> > are mentioned for most tracks.
> > 
> > This will definitely have to change ! So please everyone, speak
> > up and volunteer to run a track.
> > 
> > For the business track, we'll need one room for approx.
> > 50-100 persons equipped with a beamer.
> It's probably in part my fault that the list is too quiet; I've been
> particularly busy lately, and still will be until at least next week.
> A plan:
>   * finish up the Call for Participation document
>     http://europython.zope.nl/draftwiki/RequestForPapers
>     (don't request papers, just request people to participate) 
>   * by the way, someone needs to update and drive this document:
>     http://europython.zope.nl/draftwiki/ConferenceInformationRelease
>     Though we may want to combine it with the former. See following items.
>   * finish up the form to apply for a talk. This is not a technology issue; 
>     this is a 'what should be in the form' issue'. People please look at this
>     form and suggest some improvements -- especially the suggested lengths
>     of talks. Anyway, I should just finish it. :) 
>     http://europython.zope.nl/call_for_papers/index_html
>     (to be renamed call for participation)

Uhm, I am confused: why do you call this call for papers when
you really want a call for talks ?

BTW, I think all of this is too bureaucratic: just have the track 
champions manage the tracks and organize the talks (like e.g.
Tim and I did for the business track). We really don't need any
"form" of some kind -- personal contact is much more important
>   * we already have Tom's form to register interest.
>     http://europython.zope.nl/regInterest
>     We only need to publicize this. I proposed a combined call for
>     participation (attendees and people who'll give talks alike):
>     The call for participation document needs a starting section that
>     summarizes the conference. Point at Tom's form. Then continue on 
>     for those interested in talking, and point to the participation 
>     form.
>   * peope managing the various tracks will also go and hunt for folks who 
>     already offered to talk so they can fill in the form. If necessary
>     fill in the form for them. :) If there are people who would be
>     able to give very interesting talks, the track people will have to 
>     contact them.


Since nobody else volunteered, Tim and I will also play track 
champions for the Web Services track.
>   * within a short time we hope to have a ballpark number of talks and
>     size of tracks.
>   * within a short time we'll have a ballpark number of people who want
>     to just visit the conference.
>   * that's what the Charleroi people need.
> What can be done right now is for people to go in and edit the documents
> to conform to the above plan. We also need to pick some new dates for
> the various things, as we're overdue on the dates listed in the wiki
> now. So if you're interested in helping, go ahead and do it. :)

I'll edit the business track and web services track pages
when I get home from London.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
Consulting & Company:                           http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software:                  http://www.egenix.com/files/python/

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