[EuroPython] Python On Mac OS X

lozinski@jobmart.com lozinski@jobmart.com
Tue, 7 May 2002 21:30:36 -0700 (PDT)

The big question being asked about Mac is whether people should develop on Mac
OS 9 and use Carbon on Mac OS X, or if they should develop using native Mac OS X
tools, but not ship on Mac OS 9.

The answer is they should develop using Python Card and run on both Mac OS X and
Mac OS 9.


So I think that there is going to be a roaring flood of Python developers into
the Mac World.  Am I right?  Does anyone else see things the way I do?

I am posting this on the european Python list because I believe you have a much
higher percentage of python developers, and a higher percentage of Mac

Comments please?

