[EuroPython] Cost of having materials distributed to attendees?
Tom Deprez
Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Sun, 19 May 2002 12:48:41 +0200
Hi Stephan,
> Hi,
> Since none of the Archaeopteryxians can make it to Europython in
> person,
That's too bad. It would have been great to have you on the congress.
>we've been tossing around ideas for either advertising and/or having a
>booth in absentia with someone outside of our company at the booth.
>The latter would be basically just a place to distribute demo CDs for
>our product, and maybe some leaflets.
That's still possible, see prices at:
The prices for just a booth are really low. I don't think you'll find
somewhere else a booth for such a low price. You only have to
find a person willing to do for you.
SideNote: Correct, this is the first congress in its row, but this doesn't
mean that nobody has to support it by sponsership or hiring booths.
If nobody supports it, well, then it will also be the last congress in its
> Another idea would be for us to ship the CDs (and leaflets, if any)
> to the site and have them distributed at registration, to each
> attendee.
That's one possibility as well and to tell you the truth, we haven't thought
this one.
> Somewhere I thought I saw discussion about this, but now don't
> see anything on the website.
The only way at the moment for distibuting CD's/Leaflets is hiring a booth.
You could also hire a page in the leaflets which reportlab will make
> Is this an option?
Yes, this is an option as well. Since we give every visitor a bag, we can
several things in there.
> Is there an idea of the cost?
We haven't thought on this, so we don't have a price ticket on this right
But let met think, the only difference between this method and having a
would be:
1) We've to do the work (somebody has to put it in the bags)
2) You reach every visitor, since its in his/her bag.
Because this, I guess we can't go lower than the base price of the booths.
of the above points, I would even go higher: 250 EUR?
Of course, this is still open for discussion.
> Also, any idea of attendance levels expected (or at least registration so
We've an idea of about 200-300 visitors. We can accompany 400-450 people
and this is the level we want to reach.
I think we can give an accurate registration amount after the press-release.
> Thanks,
> - Stephan