[EuroPython] french PR

Denis Frère denis@aragne.com
Mon, 27 May 2002 11:16:20 +0200

Le Mon, May 27, 2002 at 10:38:52AM +0200, Tom Deprez pianota:
> > The magazine in case doesn't have many subscribers, but I don't
> > think it' the only criterion. What's important is who the readers
> > are, do they have decision power in their company, and so on.
> Off course size is not the only important thing. I just meant that
> we can't give everybody a free ticket!

What we mean with this is that we don't want someone to come saying :
"I've a whole webpage on Python in my personal webzine, so, I'm a 
press guy and I want free access" or "Two years ago I wrote a paper
about snakes in a nowaday dead magazine, so, I owe free access".

If the press contact is really a press contact, then ok.
(By the way, why didn't you tell us which magazine we're talking 
about ?)

Anyway, we should try to obtain some return :
1. Ask them to advertise the event (if it's still possible) ;
2. Ask them if they promise a good (and long enough) article afterwards.


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Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com