[EuroPython] EPC2003: program + length + public + fees
Nicolas Pettiaux
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 15:13:56 +0100
Le Vendredi 15 Novembre 2002 14:20, Tom Deprez a =E9crit :
> >> The difficulty I see is how to be sure someone who has a ticket for
> >> only the last 2 days, gets in the 1 day.
> >
> So you imply a check at the registration desk=20
yes to get the adequate badge
> + a check at the rooms itself?
yes for the first day
This + colored badges is just what I camoe accross at the last 2 conferen=
(professional and public ones) I attended
> registration: check if person has reserved and finding his/her batch
yes plus receive the bag and other advertising material=20
> rooms: to see a person with a correct batch enters
yes plus help the person make sure he/she enters the room that really=20
interests him
> All possible to do, but brings in more costs:
not too much I think for what we are looking for
> 1) find people for the registration desk and the rooms
should be OK=20
> 2) organisation of different batches etc.
not that difficult if we think about it now
> You're correct above, ie in the fact that it wasn't that good organised=
> we didn't expect such a flood at a certain moment (but who was there to
> help us just before the start of the conference: to plan, help on the
> setup, think over it, ...) ?
this will be organized well enough this time=20
> We just had the conference available in the
> evening just before the start. Not able to do much then and with the fe=
> persons... but lets put this aside)
> The biggest problem was to find the person and to give his/her bag and
> batch...=20
this is more the problem of the person, not of the organizers
> And that increased the check in time a lot... Perhaps we have to
> give the bags on another place?=20
why not
> ie we make a desk inside (after check-in)
> and by showing your batch, you get your bag... but this still gives the
> waiting times for finding the batch for a certain person etc.
We still have plenty of time to thnik about that=20
Nicolas Pettiaux
Association =E9lectronique libre pour la promotion des=20
droits de l'Homme dans la Soci=E9t=E9 de l'information (AEL) -