[EuroPython] what about september?
Stephan Richter
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:06:53 -0500
On Friday 15 November 2002 04:27, Tom Deprez wrote:
> > I would also like to see substantial (financial) support from
> > Zope Corp for the forum we give to this company's products at the
> > conference.
> Mmm, I don't see a point here... After all, zope is open-source... they are
> not promoting their own company.
> If you would claim to have Zope Corp to pay for having a track on the
> open-source Zope product, then you should do the same concerning Python.
> Last year, there were no commercial Zope products of Zope Corp just talks
> about the open-source products. I even don't know if they still have
> commercial products. They are more a company which uses zope in their
> projects with clients.
I totally agree with Tom. I would mainly go to a Python conference for Zope,
whether Zope Corp. sends delagates or not. For me it is just a way to meet
other Zope developers in Europe.
Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
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