[EuroPython] EPC2003: program + length + public + fees

holger krekel hpk@devel.trillke.net
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 11:20:05 +0100

[Nicolas Pettiaux Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 07:35:45AM +0100]
> Le Lundi 18 Novembre 2002 14:41, holger krekel a =E9crit :
> > > > I have this experience and i am not convinced that going for 'big=
> > > > businesses is what EuroPython should aim for. =20
> I am working ac an ICT manager in a public administration of altogether=
> employees. Is that a small or a large companies ?=20

large.  did you notice that i gave an example of an insurance company in =
last posting?

> For me it is necessary to have as many "comsumer" of python and zope as=
> possible, if possible large ones (with deep pockets :-) not only small =
> if we want to expand zope

IMHO companies with deep pockets like to go to "solutions fairs"=20
where Zope would be competing with PHP/JSP/whatever-based stuff. =20
Or does Zope already form a big enough market to attract "consumers"=20
so they'd come - say from England - all the way to Charleroi? =20

I think EuroPython can attract three main groups (in this order):

- developers (free, from small companies, from departments of big

- all types of academic people (they form a *very* big group ASFAIK)

- Zope consumers and businesses already using python or aiming to do so

EuroPython2002 wasn't a hackers-only event last year.  If you want to=20
see what a hackers-only event is like then go to

    http://www.fosdem.org/  (Bruxelles, 8/9.2.2003)

:-) regards,
