[EuroPython] Voting and my other opinions

Paul Everitt paul at eurozope.org
Sun Aug 17 14:15:18 EDT 2003

First, thanks go out to Jacob and the others that took the time to 
present the proposal and answer questions.

I'm surprised to say that I'm in favor of Goteborg.  I didn't think I 
would be, as Denis and Tom have proven themselves, and in volunteer 
conferences, that goes a long way.

The reasons that I feel this way are:

1) Jacob has direct experience with this venue for larger conferences.

2) Jacob and friends have stated clearly that they will match or 
surpass the coordination and organizing work done in Charleroi.  This 
is very important to me to know that the large group of casual 
volunteers will be "anchored" by a small group of definite workers.

3) It is probably as safe to say that Charleroi will be more expensive 
as it is to say it will be cheaper.  Meaning, it is a wash.

4) It could be time for a change.  This contradicts my maxim about 
safety, but if risk is addressed, then I think we can try spreading 
around the conference.  I think its unfair to our European community to 
have groups not represented because of geography.  Moving the 
conference around helps this.


On Friday, Aug 15, 2003, at 17:19 Europe/Paris, Heimo Laukkanen wrote:

> I personally do not have any other opinion on the place for EPC - 
> other than Göteborg is far closer to Finland than Charleroi. However I 
> will participate no matter what, so my opinion should not count.
> What should count is:
>  1) Where is team able and willing to take the task - and carry out 
> the full project till the end
>  2) Where participants are able and willing to travel to with moderate 
> costs
> How much does it change the total costs ( travel + conference + 
> accomodation + food ) for people coming from Germany ( most 
> participants  2003 if I am correct ) to change the event to Sweden? 
> Will it make any difference?
> Whatever is the final choise, I will give my support and help to make 
> the event a success. I just participated as an organizer in volunteer 
> run event that gets more than 5000 participants, is 4 days long and 
> there was program almost 24 h a day. Single most important reason for 
> that event's success is the fact that it has an excellent project 
> manager and very dedicated core team of organizers.
> And that is what matters.
> -huima
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