[EuroPython] Voting proposals

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Aug 18 15:00:56 EDT 2003

Paul Everitt <paul at eurozope.org> writes:

>> All I hear from these mails is, how bad Charleroi is, how much
>> better it
> I don't think that's fair, to say that all the mails are negative.
> Quite a few mails, certainly mine, are quite blunt about the good job
> you did.

Also, the things that went well in Charleroi make less significant
discussion points.  "No news is good news" & all that.


  ZAPHOD:  You know what I'm thinking?
    FORD:  No.
  ZAPHOD:  Neither do I.  Frightening isn't it?
                   -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 11

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