[EuroPython] 'business day' and misc organizational comments

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 22:38:00 +0100

I'm in favor of all of this.


On mercredi, f=E9v 19, 2003, at 17:44 Europe/Paris, Martijn Faassen =

> Hi there,
> I'd like to put in a few arguments against separating between a
> 'business day' and some 'hacker days'. I think it is much better to
> have mixed parallel tracks that appeal to different segments in the
> audience throughout the three days. Some of these, like keynotes and
> lightning talks, are interesting to a broad audience, while others,=20
> like
> BoFs, are interesting only to a very small set of the audience.
> I think by balancing them well we can have the success we had last =
> and then some.
> My impression of the audience (and I don't think I am alone) was that
> we had a lot of people from small businesses there; it was certainly=20=

> not
> all hackers in some large corporation under layers of middle managers,=20=

> which
> is the audience Eric Raymond tried to target in his keynote. :)
> Also from the poll Tim Couper did it didn't seem as people were=20
> displeased
> with last year's conference at all; this mix of businesspeople and=20
> hackers
> apparently liked it. I think this is a good formula and let's
> continue with this route. We can handle this by organizing the right
> simultaneous tracks so everybody has something interesting going on at
> all times.
> If you really are targetting business people who are not at all=20
> interested
> in the technology, I think another event may be in order, like for=20
> instance
> a trade show (not a conference). If we are interested in people who =
> Python that are in business as well, I think we did rather well last
> year from the comments I got. And we had a founding Python Business=20
> Forum
> meeting that was well attended.
> If we drop the 'business day' idea I imagine this impacts the proposed
> pricing schemes. I don't think we have to be in a complete rush to
> decide this *right now*. While we were pushing it late last year we
> had a good conference, and we don't have registration schemes online
> right now. People who are making hotel reservations now shouldn't=20
> influence
> a sound decision making process -- I'm glad they're so enthusiastic =
> it's not like we have to bend backwards to get stuff going in full=20
> steam
> *now*. Let's work out the details of the tracks and the speakers; we
> then have something good to go public with.
> Regards,
> Martijn
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