[EuroPython] EuroPython Website

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:31:19 +0100

On Wednesday, Jan 29, 2003, at 14:58 Europe/Paris, Nicolas Chauvat 

> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 02:07:14PM +0100, Tom Deprez wrote:
>> Yes, this is interesting. But see above, my strongest objection is 
>> that you
>> need certain browsers and versions. Perhaps I'm wrong here, if so, 
>> tell me.
> You are. That's what plone skins are meant for: adapt to the browser.
> I checked with people on the #plone channel and was told that plone is
> *fully*functionnal* with Netscape 4. It does not look as good as 
> Mozilla 1.2,
> but it works.

Yes, that's the strategy of CSS.  With a market share of under 3% 
(somewhere around there), it simply doesn't justify the effort to 
maintain a standards-version of your site, and a NS4.7-- version of 
your site.  People that disagree are usually the ones not responsible 
for managing the design. :^)
