[EuroPython] Re: EuroPython decision process
Tim Couper
Wed, 9 Jul 2003 13:52:13 +0100 (BST)
--- Martijn Faassen <faassen@vet.uu.nl> wrote:
> This is all well and good, but we shouldn't dilute
> EuroPython
> itself. Both you and Andy have suggested this, but
> to me it sounds
> like:
> Well, why don't you go off and organize your own
> thing and leave us
> alone? It would be great too, a local event!
I'm sorry if it sounded like that. It was not my
intent whatsoever. We DO need a European pyevent, (and
I'll support it wherever it is!).I was partially
responding to the discussion about whether we should
have 2 such events per annum, and at the same time
just stirring up some thoughts about what each of us
can do regionally to grow the community. However, I
recognise that discussing this issue in the Europython
group may be the wrong place.
Sorry for any offence caused.
> They're *not* proposing hold a scandinavean event,
> they've proposed
> to organize EuroPython. Let's think about that. I'm
> sure they
> will also organize a local event if they're so
> minded.
> Mind, I'm sure that wasn't your and Andy's intent,
> and I agree
> local events are very useful, and perhaps eventually
> we can
> do something like that under the EuroPython flag as
> well, but
> right now the EuroPython flag needs to find a solid
> base for its
> flagpole.
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