[EuroPython] thoughts

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 11:38:17 +0100

I have a feeling this talk of legal structures and decision procedures
may somewhat be missing the point.

The "EPC community", as I see it, has one (1) decision to make:

    Whether to hold the next EuroPython conference in Gothenbourg or

(I don't think that there are any other serious contenders for

_Everything_ else should be pretty much up to those who do the work,
especially the local organizers but also to some extent the track
chairs.  It would be nice if these workers' discussions were open and
others could contribute, but I strongly believe that the only real
mandate to make decisions comes from willingness to do the work they

I also would stronly like the question mentioned above to be answered
not by some kind of vote, but by consensus.  I don't want the would-be
local organizers who don't end up hosting the con to feel they've
"lost", for all sorts of reasons.

There was an unofficial deadline of August the 15th mentioned, and I
*really* think we should stick to this, but AFAICT we're no closer to
a decision than we were a fortnight ago.

And finally, while I can see pros and cons of both the proposed
locations, my own thoughts come out near as dammit to even.  So that's
not much of a discussion starter :-) What do others think?  (Please
place honesty over even-handedness...)


  ZAPHOD:  OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million
           for good thinking, eh?
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 2