IRC Chat (was Re: [EuroPython] Roundup issue tracker up and running)

M.-A. Lemburg
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:15:01 +0100

Paul Everitt wrote:
>> We especially need the Track Champions to check in with Paul regarding
>> your track - if you have any changes to the Track description, now's
> Yes indeed.  It's time to get this train started and moving, which means 
> participation by us organizers.  The track chairs need to be ready to 
> handle the response from a call for papers.

No problem from here... in fact, we are already waiting for the
call for papers. If this doesn't get done this week, we'll send
our own little invitation :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                       110 days left