[EuroPython] Call for Participation: EuroPython 2003
19 Mar 2003 12:52:02 +0000
The EuroPython Conference 2003 (EPC2003) returns to Belgium this June,
and the conference organizers are now accepting proposals for
presentations and tutorials. We expect this year to be even more
successful, and we're not just talking about the Chimay.
We are looking for participation in the following conference tracks:
Python Frameworks, Python Language, Python in Business, Python in
Science and Industry, and Zope. Track descriptions are available at
<http://www.europython.org/sessions/descriptions>. The deadline for
submissions is Monday, April 21.
You can propose a 30 minute talk, a 45 minute talk, or a 2 hour
tutorial. To propose a talk or tutorial, please visit the Talk
Submission page at <http://www.europython.org/Talks/callFor>.
For more information about the conference tracks, please contact the
track chairpersons listed at
<http://www.europython.org/sessions/descriptions>. For general
questions about the conference, please visit the conference website at
<http://www.europython.org/>. Also, if you would like to help us make
this year's EuroPython conference another success, please volunteer!
You can join us on the EuroPython mailing list at
About EuroPython Conference 2003:
EuroPython Conference 2003 is the premiere venue for meeting Python
and Zope developers from Europe and beyond. As one of the first
community-organized Python and Zope conferences, the EuroPython
Conference delivers the atmosphere and information developers want.
The conference will be held June 25-27, 2003 in Charleroi, Belgium.
Information is available at the EuroPython website at
<http://www.europython.org/>. For more information, contact