[EuroPython] Registration almost working

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Tue Apr 6 15:22:27 EDT 2004

Jacob Hallén wrote:
> I think I have managed to make the registration process into something that is 
> underastandable and easy to follow.

> Credit card, conference, accomodation

is the one I just tried, with 2 beds and a tshirt.

> No xxx means that you shouldn't select the button that goes to the page. Take 
> extra care to check that the totals that you get to pay are correct.

It's hard to verify this as there's no cost per room/bed specified as 
far as I can determine...

In a way it's a bit peculiar I can use the same process to *only* book 
one conference registration, but arbitrary amounts of beds. :)

 > Vary
> T-shirt and no T-shirt between the orders. Try booking more than one bed.
> Things that need polishing:
> - The forms need to get text added.

Definitely, I'd get uncertain and may not proceed on the accomodation 
page in particular. Rooms? Beds? What if I want one bed in a two bed 
room? What do I do then? Things like that.

The food preferences box is also completely mysterious to me. :)

> - The confirmation texts need polishing.

Please see the text I wrote in my message yesterday. I think it's 
slightly out of date, but it's way better than what it is currently. 
Seriously, try to read this:

If you want to change anything about your registration please join the 
site as a member. Click on join now, a new membership will be created 
for you the password will be: 12546 This only means you join this 
conference site, nothing more. So please join now, or follow the link in 
the email with the registration-info we sent to you.

The first join now is not a link (but bold) and the other is a link.

> PS. I hate Zope, Plone and Archetypes. It is all very unPythonic.

As someone who makes his living doing Zope stuff and has had experience 
with Zope (though not Plone and Archetypes), I can sympathize. :)



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