April 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Apr 1 01:53:54 EDT 2004
Ending: Fri Apr 30 14:11:04 EDT 2004
Messages: 227
- [EuroPython] Problems with the Virutal hosting setup of the site
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] website
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] More on website problems
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Problems with the Virutal hosting setup of the
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] From Pycon -- Richard Jones has conference software
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] europython.org
M.-A. Lemburg
- [EuroPython] Bank account numbers of Europython
M.-A. Lemburg
- [EuroPython] a) Web site very slow this friday early afternoon b)
Michel Debar
- [EuroPython] Getting sponsor links on the website
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] I can't survive on just a paycheck
Natasha London
- [EuroPython] Re: what is this?
Elma Grayson
- [EuroPython] Meeting tonight
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] registration procedure feedback
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] registration procedure feedback
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] tshirt thing, ignore
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] showstopper
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] registration procedure feedback
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] problems with joining the europython.org website
Cristian Lucchesi
- [EuroPython] problems with joining the europython.org website
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] slowness
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] Registration almost working
- [EuroPython] slowness
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] More progress on registration
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Benno Luthiger
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Benno Luthiger
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] press releases announcing europython
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] press releases announcing europython
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] press releases announcing europython
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Ivo van der Wijk
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Nicolas Chauvat
postmaster at nmail.forbis.lt
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Europython Update: Registration open
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Announcement needs moderating
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Europython Update: Registration open
Magnus Lyckå
- [EuroPython] Europython Update: Registration open
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] RE : Europython Update: SPRINT ????
Didier Guillaume (dguillaume)
- [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Do speakers of lightning talks qualify for speaker
discount on Europython.org fee?
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] RE : Europython Update: SPRINT ????
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Do speakers of lightning talks qualify for speaker
discount on Europython.org fee?
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Do speakers of lightning talks qualify for
speaker discount on Europython.org fee?
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Announcement needs moderating
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Re: Europython Update: Registration open
M.-A. Lemburg
- [EuroPython] Re: Europython Update: Registration open
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Re: Europython Update: Registration open
M.-A. Lemburg
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or just
for some tracks?
Heimo Laukkanen
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
just for some tracks?
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
just for some tracks?
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
just for some tracks?
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
just for some tracks?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] Extending Talk Submission time
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Idea for a Talk
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
just for some tracks?
Heimo Laukkanen
- [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
just for some tracks?
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Nicolas Chauvat
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Idea for a Talk
Paul Everitt
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Beatrice Fontaine
- Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] Next meeting
Anna Ravenscroft
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] refereed papers track
Alex Martelli
- [EuroPython] refereed papers track
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Europython update
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Next meeting
Tom Deprez
- [EuroPython] Email addressto Moshe Zadka wanted
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Current status of talks
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Current status of talks
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] payment problem
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] payment problem
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] payment problem
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] some questions about europython sponsor package
Petra van den Elsen
- [EuroPython] Current status of talks
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Current status of talks
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Natural Manhood Enlargement Pills y6bgxlMk
Hull buckhorn
- Re: [EuroPython] payment problem
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] payment problem
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Prescript.ion Drug.s - Fre.e Cons.ultation AVdov4cncp
Rodriguez dihedral
- [EuroPython] IBAN Number
Beatrice Fontaine
postmaster at nmail.forbis.lt
- [EuroPython] Fwd: you must see
Randolph Hood
- [EuroPython] Book sales at EPC?
Magnus Lyckå
- [EuroPython] Book sales at EPC?
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Book sales at EPC?
Jeremiah Foster
- [EuroPython] links inside www.europython.org
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] more broken links !!! URGENT!!!!
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] links inside www.europython.org
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] 404 on registration
Danny Bloemendaal
- [EuroPython] 404 on registration
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] registration back on
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Can't make tomorrow's IRC chat
Paul Everitt
- Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] Can't make tomorrow's IRC chat
Anna Ravenscroft
- [EuroPython] Meeting on #europython - 2004-04-20 - 1800 CET
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Pyano: a CPAN for Python?
Henrion Benjamin
- [EuroPython] not enough tracks [on webpage!!]
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] not enough tracks [on webpage!!]
Joachim Schmitz
- [EuroPython] not enough tracks [on webpage!!]
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Track status
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] re-checked with OSAF (Chandler makers) about their
possible partecipation
Samuele Pedroni
- [EuroPython] Impress with your new Rolex
Marlene Mcknight
- [EuroPython] Track status
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Kim Viljanen
- [EuroPython] New talk Proposal
Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
- [EuroPython] Schedule for sending out reminders
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] 'Net access at the conference and at SGS Veckobostäder
Stuart Bishop
- [EuroPython] 'Net access at the conference and at SGS Veckobostäder
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Kim Viljanen
- [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython
Niels Mache, struktur AG
- [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
Niels Mache, struktur AG
- [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Jeroen Vloothuis
- Re: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] Swedish places we might make EuroPython ads
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] New talk Proposal
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Re: Schedule for sending out reminders
Martijn Faassen
- Re: [EuroPython] 'Net access at the conference and at SGS Veckobostäder
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- Re: [EuroPython] 'Net access at the conference and at SGS Veckobostäder
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Schedule for sending out reminders
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython News Update april 23
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Schedule for sending out reminders
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Interviews!
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Interviews!
Paul Everitt
- [EuroPython] Fwd: I need your help...
Benny Baldwin
- [EuroPython] Interviews!
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Track chair meeting tuesday may 4 at 18:00 CET
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april
Martijn Faassen
- Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- Re: Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] Parking at Chalmers?
Magnus Lycka
- Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
Martijn Faassen
postmaster at nmail.forbis.lt
- [EuroPython] Everitt epc site permissions
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Everitt epc site permissions
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] could use a volunteer for frameworks track assistant
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Anna Ravenscroft
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
Kopányi Sándor
- [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registrat ion
Kopányi Sándor
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Martijn Faassen
- Re: [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython]
PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest, Vol 9, Issue 30
Samuele Pedroni
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest,
Vol 9, Issue 30
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- Fwd: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Jeroen Vloothuis
- Fwd: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- Re: [EuroPython] PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest, Vol 9, Issue 30
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest,
Vol 9, Issue 30
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Jim Fulton
- [EuroPython] Sleeping on Campus
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Jim Fulton
- [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
Stefane Fermigier
- [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython early bird deadline very soon!
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Re: Schedule for sending out reminders
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython
Niels Mache, struktur AG
- [EuroPython] Sleeping on Campus
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Sleeping on Campus
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- URGENT: Re: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Jim Fulton
- URGENT: Re: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- URGENT: Re: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Jim Fulton
- [EuroPython] Registration issue
Duncan Grisby
- [EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Registration issue
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] early bird countdown
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] RE: Europython Update April 30
Paul Hermans
- [EuroPython] early bird countdown
Stefane Fermigier
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 14:11:04 EDT 2004
Archived on: Fri Apr 30 14:11:13 EDT 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).