[EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website

John Pinner john at clocksoft.com
Mon Apr 12 11:58:28 EDT 2004

Michael Hudson wrote:
> John Pinner <john at clocksoft.com> writes:

>>1. Registration.
>>I am logged in as me, john, then I register. At the end of registration
>>I am given a new login id, john1. Why do I need a new id ?
> Because, it seems, I messed up.  You're not *supposed* to get a new
> login if you register when logged in.  I did test this, but it seems
> to have happened to you and Harald, so I must have missed something
> (or maybe there's some subtle way of un-logging in).
> If someone who knows what they're doing wants to look at the code
> (please do!), it's in People.py in the ... worldpay_callback method.

let's me out!

>>2. Talk Submission.
>>There is no provision to enter a speaker's name. I was entering details
>>of talks for other people, and would have liked to be able to enter
>>their names.
> I believe there is.. isn't there a 'author' choice in the list of
> fieldsets at the top of the entry form?

Can't see anything like that.

>>What is the purpose of the 'long description' ? M-AL has used it to
>>enter his bio. There is apparently no other means to enter a bio.
> Pass.  This area is full of plans that never got implemented, AFAICT.
>>3. Viewing Talks.
>>How am I _supposed_ to look at talks ? Here is what I have actually been
>>I go to submit a talk. Then without filling in the form I select 'Switch
>>to contents view'. Then I get a view of all the track's talks listed,
>>with an empty talk, say 'john04' (the one I started raising). It looks
>>like a number of other people have been doing this as well.
> One of the 'features' it seems of Plone (or our misunderstanding of
> it) is that an object is created, then has it details filled in.  So
> if someone clicks on'sumbit a talk for this track' and then wnaders
> off or closes the browser window, you get a pretty featureless talk.
>>If I get a contents view of the tracks (not the talks) I get options to
>>cut, rename, delete whole tracks. I have not tested if they work!
> :-)
> If you're a manager you should see a list of 'new' talks in the track
> view.

I don't think I am.

>>If I select 'Contents view' while submitting a talk in the Python
>>Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
>>which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
>>authorised to do this.
> What authorisations do you have?

AFAIK, none. This was a user id I got when I registered (as a user, not 
for the conference) last week. I haven't requested any priviliges for it.

>>If I do the same thing in my own track, the Business Track, I don't get
>>these options. I'd like them, but I guess I'm not authorised to do this
>>yet. So why can I play with mwh's talks?
> Well, I don't know... Zope's securitly model can be used to acheive
> anything it seems, including confusing me a great deal.

Explains all!



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