[EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues

Beatrice Fontaine bea at webwitches.com
Fri Apr 9 13:26:52 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 17:20, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:

> That's it for now. Hope the web workers will forgive me for not asking for
> permission before modifying things, but I thought it would be easier this
> way. Since I knew how to fix it, complaining and advising rather than doing
> seemed like a loss of time... (note that I refrained from renaming 
> info/session to track since that would impact the existing URL space).

Forgive you for fixing what you saw needed fixing? You must be kidding.
Quite the opposite: now that the show is on the road, it is indeed time
to clean up a bit, and as the little webwerkers are still rubbing their
tired necks from the job, you are most welcome to join in.

I went to my track and yes indeed, the talks are appearing more happily
in the track chair view. I had noticed that some were in hiding and that
you had to hunt them with the cursor ;) Now that the registration and
accommodation are rolling, it will be nice to pick up some of these
loose threads, and it's nice to see you've begun already.

Good show! Thanks for dropping by :)



bea at webwitches.com
"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

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