[EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython

Niels Mache, struktur AG mache at struktur.de
Thu Apr 22 07:20:53 EDT 2004

Hi there,

we like to sponsor the Europython conference as "Sponsor".
How can we transfer the sponoring fee to you? What information do you require from us?
logos, links, etc.?

Warm regards,
Niels Mache

> Sponsor - 500 Euro
> This gives you:
>     * Your name/link on the website
>     * An ad in the conference program
>     * A streamer in each conference room

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Niels Mache, Dipl. Inf.

Chief Executive Officer
struktur AG             Fon.:  +49 (0)711 896656 53
Junghansstr. 5          Fax.:  +49 (0)711 896656 10
D-70469 Stuttgart       eMail: mache at struktur.de                    solutions for
Germany                 Web:   http://www.struktur.de            digital business

icoya Information Management

www.icoya.de     www.icoya.ch     www.icoya.com     www.icoya.jp    www.icoya.org

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