[EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Michael Hudson
mwh at python.net
Thu Apr 22 06:46:13 EDT 2004
Kim Viljanen <kim.viljanen at harmaja.fi> writes:
>>> Kim Viljanen <kim.viljanen at harmaja.fi> writes:
>>> It would be nice to see some topics and information about the program
>>> before deciding to join the conference.
>> Well, you can see the list of tracks at
>> http://www.europython.org/conferences/epc2004/info/talks/
> Ok, this had some more information. Thank you! (I just tried to find
> information using the tab "Talks". Perhaps a link from the Talks-tab to
> the Talks track page could be added?)
Isn't there one already? I would have to agree that the site's
navigation could use work...
>>> Also the names of the organizing commmittee members would be
>>> interesting to know.
>> Well, the name 'organizing commitee' suggests a formality that isn't
>> really present. You can see the list of track chairs on the page I
>> mentioned above. The board of the EuroPython Society is listed
>> somewhere under
>> http://www.europython.org/society
>> There are also the local organizers such as Dario Lopez-Kasten and
>> Jacob Hallen (please excuse the lack of diacriticals) and an assorted
>> bunch of people who help with the website.
>> Some people are members of more than one of these groups, of course.
>> Why do you ask?
> I was just interested in knowing a little more about the conference before
> deciding to join it. I think it is nice to know who is responsible for
> what. Conferences that I have previously participated (such as the WWW,
> http://www2003.org) has had a quite informative and easy to navigate web
> site where all relevant information (such as the program, descriptions
> of the trackes etc) has been easy to find (in my opinnion).
Well, (a) you would hope the www conference would have a good website
:-) (b) unless I'm misreading something that conference was on the
order of 5 times more expensive than EuroPython. We're all doing this
in our spare time, etc.
> I think the europython-website is good, but it could be even better by
> emphasizing the the most important things (the things that helps the
> visitors to decide whether to join the conference or not) to lazy web page
> readers like me. :)
Want to help with it? <wink>
> No intensions to irritate you or something, but just wanted to give you
> some valuable (?) feedback. :)
No, it's all good, but we're longer on feedback than time and skills
to act on it...
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