[EuroPython] some questions about europython sponsor package

Petra van den Elsen petra at strakt.com
Thu Apr 15 08:45:14 EDT 2004


I have the following questions concerning our Organising
Sponsor package:

1. Ad in conference Program.
   - what is the deadline to deliver the ad
   - what is the size of the ad?
   - is the program (and the ad) in color?
   - what is the format you want the ad in? Pdf?
2. Streamer
   - are there any size restrictions to the streamer in
     the entrance?

Petra van den Elsen
Petra van den Elsen, MD, PhD
Head of Marketing
AB Strakt                  tel direct: +31-610.93.63.85
Norra Ågatan 10            tel office: +46-31-749.08.80
416 64 Göteborg            fax:        +46-31-749.08.81
Sweden                     email:      petra at strakt.com
                            web:        www.strakt.com

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