[EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Thu Apr 29 06:28:26 EDT 2004

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I recently decided to attend EP 2004 


> and would like to lead a
> sprint after the conference.

> What do I need to do?
> How many sprint days are available after the
> conference?

I think currently there are some people doing a post-conference sprint 
on the PyPy team (though not necessarily anything PyPy related). Don't 
know how long they'll be there.

There are my vague plans for a 1.5 days mini-sprint (until friday when I 
have to leave) on a possible C implementation of ZPT, and then there's 
likely going to be some work on Kupu by GuidoW and Philipp.

Dario is in charge of organizing sprint facilities and trying to make it 
all come together, he should know more.



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