[EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues

Tom Deprez tom at aragne.com
Mon Apr 12 10:59:11 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 12:16, Tom Deprez wrote:
> > Tom is the one who moved the talks, I think. It is strange that the
> 2002
> > talks should be there, but not 2003. I don't know how, where from
> > whereto they had to be moved, but I was pretty certain they were all
> > there.
> PS. I haven't moved the talks. We switched zope instances.  :-)

So we moved the sun, huh? That is sort of bad news if you are trying to
find your way :D (especially for me, who have no sense of direction).

Anyhow, someone seems to have done some more triangulating, because the
talks are there, as far as I can judge :)

Euhm, yes... have you read the rest of the mail? The talks are there (in
the new talks database)... they were migrated. The only thing that has
to be changed is the code to the database in the 2003 (and 2002) ZPT
pages, because the talks database is completely different...

The 2002 talks are there, because the 'old' talk database is still
available this zope instance, so the 2002 pages don't 'appear' to be
broken (which is there because we're using the old 2002 zope
instance...). The 2003 talks aren't there, because they are now only
available in the new talks database (but for that we've to change the


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