[EuroPython] slowness

Tom Deprez tom at aragne.com
Tue Apr 6 18:39:22 EDT 2004

Ignore this, this is caused by the vhm.

> Something definitely has to be done on the slowness of the site...
> I find the following things very weird:
> 1. The root seems to be a CMF Site now (instead of a regular ZMI root)
> 2. The root doesn't show all folders (while they exist!) eg
> Control_Panel, 2002, 2003
> Is it possible that something goes wrong with a redirect and is
> causing this slow response?
> Did somebody changed something in the redirection to the plone site or
> added a product (for redirecting) to the ZMI root which can cause this
> problem?
> Regards,
> Tom.
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