[EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or just for some tracks?

Heimo Laukkanen huima at iki.fi
Mon Apr 12 14:24:31 EDT 2004

On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 15:30:50 +0200, Beatrice Fontaine <bea at webwitches.com>  

> I am responsible for the social skills track and I have three proposals,
> up to now. I think that having an extended paper submission cuts both
> ways, since many people wait to read the detailed programme to register
> for the conference, quite understandably. IMHO, depending on your own
> vision for the track, I think you should deal with this aspect the way
> you best see fit. However, since we were 8 days late with the talk
> database and then 8 days late with the participant registration, I guess
> it is only fair to allow another 8 days for talk submissions where the
> track chair feels it is required :)

I think atleast for Zope Track will need extended submission time. We need  
to make also noise about the conference, even though final program is not  
yet there. That will also help to activate members of the community, since  
after all they are also the people who will do the presentations.


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