[EuroPython] could use a volunteer for frameworks track assistant

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Tue Apr 27 06:16:48 EDT 2004

Hi there,

The frameworks track is pretty full, currently the second largest track 
of the conference in amount of time. Even if I manage to move some talks 
to the tutorials track (in which case this will likely be the second 
largest track, though I assume the tutorials will be running in multiple 
rooms in parallel in the end) *and* I force everybody to limit their 
talk to 30 minutes, it'll be 4 blocks, more than I anticipated.

If I give the people who requested 60 minutes their 60 minutes, I'll 
need almost 6 blocks, one and a half day.

Of course other combinations where I drop talks are also possible, but I 
prefer accepting talks to dropping them.

Since I'd like to be able to wander off at some stage to enjoy the rest 
of the conference, I'd like to ask for a volunteer to assist me in the 
running of the track.

What this means is you run, say, 2 or 3 blocks (of 90 minutes) of track. 
This entails:

   * knowing what talks are going to happen in these blocks

   * help speakers with any requirements like slides on a laptop, making 
the beamer work, etc.

   * introducing the talks and speakers very briefly

   * staying there while the talks happen

   * watch the clock and making sure the speaker stops in time so the 
next talk can start.

   * help with any unforeseen problems like microphones not working, 
alien invasions or time paradoxes.

This is all not very difficult (though the time paradoxes are tricky), 
and allows me to wander about freely a bit more. The last two 
conferences I was locked to the track I was running for half of the 3 
days (and then I gave a talk myself), and I'd like to get a bit more 
time to wander around this year. While the talks are generally quite 
interesting, being a track chair does tire you out a bit more.



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