[EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or just for some tracks?

Heimo Laukkanen huima at iki.fi
Mon Apr 12 05:52:30 EDT 2004

Hi ya all,

first of all apologies that I haven't been active orginiser - while others  
have done great work on the website and IRL. Site looks like a big  
improvement from the last year.

However looking at the talk database on the Zope track I noticed that  
there was only two submissions. This reminds me of the last year, when I  
had to use my personal emailing and Paul's charms to get people to write  
on certain subjects and ask them to first of all suggest ideas to people  
and then get them to be interested about doing talk about that subject.

I will do that again now - and work with Paul Everitt to squeeze some  
magic out of his vast networks. However this means that Zope track would  
need to accept talks a little bit longer, since it will also take some  
time for people to respond... And I will be traveling in California for  
the next two weeks so I will not have interaction time with people that  

How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is  
extending submission time something that would be good for the whole  
conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up the  


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