[EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
Dario Lopez-Kästen
dario at ita.chalmers.se
Tue Feb 17 03:17:28 EST 2004
Michael Hudson wrote:
> We seem to have settled into Mondays at 6pm Central European time for
> meetings of the EuroPython Organizing Cabal, and as such the next
> meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd February 2004, 1800 CET,
> #europython on the freenode network.
Hi, sorry to not be able to attend (again) at the meeting. I got caught
up at work and had to rush home, and didn't even have time to switch on
the computer all evening.
Here are a few comments, after reading thru the log:
* Website - folder structure:
It is perfectly by allright by me to rip and tear at it (*sob* ;-) as
much as is needed to make it work. I only made it to ahve something to
work from. If there are any questions as to the why's and hows, felel
free to catch med on irc or mail.
I agree with SteveA on this: "[...] think [...] about this as a
series of conferences, and how to put information from a conference at a
URL that won't change from year to year". I was one of the reasons why i
made the /epc/conferences folder and the /epc/current an "alias" to the
current conference in /epc/conferences, though I agree that calling
/ecp/conferences "Past conferences is *very* confusing...
* Göteborg - profile info:
There is a website that contains info and media prictures:
there are some neato pictures of Göteborg in it's imagebank, but I
feel that for the website logo we need and image that is more "stilized"
(I don't know the word in in english, in swedish it is "stiliserad"; I
mean a picture wich contains only the core elements). As anexample of
such an image, look at the pages above, in the top-left corner. There is
an animated gif/flash that pictures all the major elements that define
Göteborgs profile.
Can we have that as the definiend element to the EPC-2004 logo?
BTW, there are Pythons in Universeum and also on Sjöfartsmuseet (I
* Sprints:
I might need to make a precheck on how amny rooms are needed to make
* Other stuff:
- There is a cafeteria available where we are going to be. I think it
is run by students. Should I start enquiring whether they will be opne
during the conference?
- Rooms - will check out both how to book smaller rooms in the vicinity
of the conference area.
- Need to have info on requirements for rooms. Network, projectors etc.
Whiteboards or chalkboards will probably be avialable.
- Security... do we need any?
- Extra's do we need any stundents to help out? if so, can we offer
them something?
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
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