[EuroPython] Somne comment on todays WebWerkers meeting

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Fri Jan 30 09:01:11 EST 2004

Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> and the mini-agenda for the upcoming meeting:

heh... missed that one :-)

Here are my comments:

Site structure:

The siter structure presne in the current development site is entirely 
made up by me, so no doubt it needs a total evalutaion and changes.

The idea behind the current structure, is to differntiate between 
*general info* on EPC, EPC members, EPC News,EPC Sponsors, and EPC 

Then there is the "About EPC 2004" link that takes us directly to the 
2004 EPC conference in the "Conferences" folder.  I the "EPC 2004 
folder" there is an assorted amount of folders that sort of make sense - 
we have something to start discussing about.

Plone 2.0
I suggest that, unless we have access to heavy PLone 2.0-savvy people, 
then we stick with Plone 1.0.5 for EPC 2004, and migrate to 2.0 after 
epc2004 is finished.

We could however document any css-changes, template changes, etc 
allready, in order to make it easier to migrate to 2.0.

Registration/Accomodation forms

is joachim doing all the work or can we aouline what needs to be by 
when? Are we using CMFFormcontroller, archetypes, etc?

Unless we allready have it, we need

a) input from earlier and current organisers on what info on people is 
necessary to have
b) input on what information to supply to those registering.

we also need to decide if we are going to provide member access or not 
to the EPC site - this leads to another interesting question:

if we form a non-profit organisation, as per Jacob's proposal, should we 
invite people to register at the EPC site and become members, and then, 
as registered members, register themselves to the EPC conference?

/dario - will appear for 19.00

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

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