[EuroPython] to join or not to join

Joachim Schmitz js at aixtraware.de
Mon Mar 8 08:12:33 EST 2004

Laura Creighton said the following on 03/08/04 13:34:
> In a message of Mon, 08 Mar 2004 11:38:43 +0100, Joachim Schmitz writes:
>>It is as easy as entering your fullname and email address.
> is it?  I thought you had to have a password as well.

not in the current join form, but we can autogenerate a password, the 
member can change this later in his memberarea if he wishes.

> This is fine by me as long as there is another option.
> 'All I want to do is register to attend the conference'  click.
> for people who want to attend, but don't want a high level of 
> involvement with the website.
I actually want call joining a high involvement, it is more expressing 
your interest in EPC and if you do it (the joining) at a early date, you 
can do the registration stuff later more easely and have the options to 
specify your preferences.

but yes we also will have the plain registration button, where you can 
register and pay without joining.

but then you cannot:

- reserve a room
- specify your food preferences
- more to come ...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen                                Joachim Schmitz
AixtraWare eK ..Joachim Schmitz ..www.aixtraware.de ..t: +49-2464-8851
Hüsgenstr. 33a .....d-52457 Aldenhoven .............f: +49-2464-905163

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